Brutality + Technicality - Filler

Artist: 7 H. TargetAlbum: "Fast-Slow Demolition"Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Ahh, nothing like some technical Russian slams to start the day off right. That's correct, folks! Today we are talking about 7 H. Target's first full-length opus, "Fast-Slow Demolition." The album is a combination of their first six-track EP entitled "Japan Body Hammer"(re-recorded of course), along with what appear to be six newly composed/recorded tracks. Lets dive right in and see what makes "Fast-Slow Demolition" so slam-fucking-tastic!
Granted I haven't delved too far into the sub-genre of "slam" or "slamming brutal death metal," but I'd like to think I have a generalized enough understanding to write this album a justified review. While listening to the genre, some of the more die-hard fans go for the non-sensical, full-force, non-stop slamming that such bands like Abominable Putridity utilized their first full-length album. Others prefer to have more "substance," if you will, to their music - Some musicianship that surpasses that extent of brutal chugging. 7 H. Target seems to have crafted a peaceful in between to appeal to almost any fan of either technical playing or slow slamming music.
As one may guess by the title of the album, and, well, the paragraph I wrote just before this one, the album contains both is fast and slow segments - Both of which are sure to blow your mind. First lets talk about the fast attributes of the album. The albums and instruments blast with such intensity and technicality, it's almost scary to think of how these guys came up with this music. The music is brazenly original and proves that while these guys may have some simplistic aspects to their music, they are more than capable of busting out the big guns to impress. The riffs written for the guitar are confusingly tight and oddly timed, while the drums hold a speedy, organized rhythm behind everything else that is happening on the album. The bass has its own unique place on this album as well. Though not audible at all times, the vocalist/bassist implements skill and an instrumental understanding to his contribution on the album.
Now that we have got the fast part of the album out of the way, how about the slow? What can be said about the slams on this album? Not much. Other than they are heavy as all shit, and will continually please your ear-drums. The slams hold much rhythm and groove which give the album such a heavy feel, you are unsure if you'll be able to make it through the 38:28 running time of the album without soiling yourself.
Though I'm having trouble finding lyrics to go along with the album, I have to say that the theme of the album is pretty kick-ass. The album seems to hold some Techno-Sexual overtones with songs like "Drill Penis," "Metal + Flesh," and, well, "Technosex." The science-fiction over-tones of both the written and recorded music reminded me vaguely of Gigan. The band draws influence off of other media outlets as well, naming one of their songs "KSC2 - 303" after the character in the Japanese film "Versus." These elements give the album a true brutal death feel, as they use a good amount of film samples from movies I'm assuming are in high regard (at least on a cult status) around their region.
While the music is all fine and dandy, you may be wondering about the production value of the album. It's certainly no Opeth album where you can hear just about every strum of a string, and it's certainly not a muddled piece of brutal death metal shit. The production is just low quality enough to give the album a true brutal death metal sound, and just clean and professional enough to hear the technicality in the music. To put it simply, you're going to dig the production of the album if you are interested in the genre at all.
All this being said, I wouldn't recommend this to someone who is just getting into slam, but I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to expand their extreme musical horizons. The album holds a lot of diversity and originality that you won't find in many other places - Especially in the genre of slam/BDM. Get your hands on this as soon as possible!
Score: 8/10
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